(human evolutionary studies and maternal-child health)
n.d. (accepted) Moffat, T, L McKerracher, S Oresnik, S Atkinson, M Barker, SD McDonald, B Murray-Davis, DM Sloboda. Investigating the normalization and normative views of gestational weight gain: balancing recommendations with the promotion and support of healthy pregnancy diets. American Journal of Human Biology.
2020 McKerracher, L, R Fried, AW Kim, T Moffat, DM Sloboda, T Galloway. Synergies between the developmental origins framework and multiple branches of evolutionary anthropology. Evolutionary Anthropology: Issues, News, and Reviews, 29: 214-219.
2020 Gibb, J, Z Dubois, S Williams, L McKerracher, R-P Juster, J Fields. Sexual and gender minority health vulnerabilities during the COVID-19 health crisis. American Journal of Human Biology, 32: e32499.
2020 McKerracher, L, S Oresnik, T Moffat, B Murray-Davis, D Williams, J Vickers-Manzin, DM Sloboda, and ME Barker. Addressing embodied inequities in health: How do we enable improvements in pregnancy diet? Public Health Nutrition. 23: 2994-3004.
2020 Gibb, J, L McKerracher, J Fields Queers and Pandemics, Past, Present, and Forever: LGBTQ+ Health Vulnerabilities and Public Health Visibility. COVID-19: Urgent Reflections, McMaster Institute on Globalization and the Human Condition.
2020 McKerracher, L, P Nepomnaschy, RM Altman, D Sellen, and M Collard. Breastfeeding durations and the social learning of infant feeding knowledge in two Maya communities from rural Guatemala undergoing socio-ecological change. Human Nature, 31:43-67.
2020 McKerracher, L, T Moffat, ME Barker, M McConnell, SA Atkinson, B Murray-Davis, SD MacDonald, DM Sloboda. Knowledge about the Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD) is independently associated with variation in diet quality during pregnancy. Maternal & Child Nutrition, 16: e12891-12904
2019 McKerracher, L, T Moffat, ME Barker, D Williams, and DM Sloboda. Translating the Developmental Origins of Health and Disease concept to improve the nutritional environment for our next generations: A call for a reflexive, positive, multi-level approach. The Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease, 10(4):420-428.
2018 Enriquez, PJV, L McKerracher, and M Elliot. Clinical brief: Preeclampsia. Evolution, Medicine and Public Health, 2018(1):217-218.
2017 McKerracher, L, M Collard, R Altman, M Richards, and P Nepomnaschy. The ex-pat effect: Presence of recent Western immigrants is associated with changes in age at first birth and birth rate in a Maya population from rural Guatemala. Annals of Human Biology, 44: 441-453.
2017 McKerracher L, M Collard, R Altman, D Sellen and P Nepomnaschy. Energy-related influences on variation in breastfeeding duration among indigenous women from Guatemala. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 162: 616-626.
2017 Nielsen, TK, B Benito, J-C Svenning, B Sandel, L McKerracher, F Riede, PC Kjaergaard. Investigating Neanderthal dispersal above 55°N during Marine Isotope Stage 5. Quaternary International. 431: 88-103. DOI: 10.1016/j.quaint.2015.10.039
2017 Carroll, J, M Clasen, E Jonsson, A Kratschmer, L McKerracher, F Riede, J-C Svenning, PC Kjaergaard. What is biocultural theory? Bringing biology and culture together in the study of humanity. Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences, 11: 1-15. DOI: 10.1037/ebs0000058.
2016 McKerracher L, M Collard, and J Henrich. Food aversions and cravings during pregnancy on Yasawa Island, Fiji. Human Nature, 27: 296-315.
2015 Hoi AG and L McKerracher. Clinical brief: Breastfeeding and infant growth. Evolution, Medicine and Public Health. DOI: 10.1093/emph/eov012.
2015 McKerracher L, M Collard, and J Henrich. The expression and adaptive significance of pregnancy-related nausea vomiting, and aversions on Yasawa Island, Fiji. Evolution and Human Behavior, 36: 92-99.
n.d. (accepted) Gibb, JK, J Charles, K Mikelsteins, L McKinnon, S Williams, and L McKerracher. Food Insecurity is Associated with Depression and Diabetes among Sexual Minority Adults: A preliminary analysis of syndemic effects. American Journal of Human Biology, xx(sx): xx.
n.d. (accepted) Moffat, T, L McKerracher, S Oresnik, ME Barker, M2B affiliated Research Investigators, and DM Sloboda. Investigating the normalization and normative views of gestational weight gain: Balancing recommendations with the promotion and support of healthy pregnancy diets. American Journal of Human Biology, xx(sx): xx.
2020 Moffat, T, L McKerracher, S Oresnik, ME Barker, and DM Sloboda. The normalization of the healthy pregnancy through national pregnancy healthy eating and gestational weight guidelines. American Journal of Human Biology, 32 (S1): 35-36.
2019 McKerracher, L, T Moffat, ME Barker, and DM Sloboda. Media interpretations of "Palaeo-diets" for pregnant women, babies, and toddlers: Relationships to anthropological evidence and public health guidelines. 88th Annual Mtg. of the Americal Association of Physical Anthropology in Cleveland, OH. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 168: 162-162.
2019 McKerracher, L, T Moffat, ME Barker, and DM Sloboda. Risk of complication diagnosis is associated with higher levels of food insecurity during pregnancy: New evidence and an evolutionary perspective from the Mothers to Babies nutrition study in Hamilton, Canada. 44th Annual Mtg. of the Human Biology Association in Cleveland, OH [podium presentation]. American Journal of Human Biology. 31(S2): 35-35.
2019 Moffat, T, L McKerracher, S Oresnik, ME Barker, and DM Sloboda. Food insecurity and its role in the Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD): The Mothers to Babies (M2B) Study in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. 44th Annual Mtg. of the Human Biology Association in Cleveland, OH [podium presentation]. American Journal of Human Biology. 31(S2): 34-34.
2017 McKerracher, L, and M Collard. Breastfeeding durations relate to maternal body size and infant care help across 21 small-scale human populations: Implications for public health [poster presentation]. Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease. 8(S1): s396-396.
2017 McKerracher, L, S Rao, T Moffat, ME Barker, S Atkinson, Mothers to Babies Research Investigators, and D Sloboda. What do pregnant women know about DOHaD? Exploring knowledge translation in the Mothers to Babies (M2B) Study [oral poster/ poster walk presentation]. Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease. 8(S1): s147-148.
2017 McKerracher, L, S Rao, T Moffat, ME Barker, Mothers to Babies Research Investigators, and D Sloboda. Influences on where women learn about what to eat during pregnancy: Preliminary evidence from the Mothers to Babies (M2B) study [poster presentation]. Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease. 8(S1): s426-427.
2017 McKerracher L, M Collard, P Nepomnaschy, and M Richards. Age, body size, and reproductive status affect δ13C and δ15N values: Evidence from living Maya women from Guatemala [poster presentation]. 86th Annual Mtg. of the American Association of Physical Anthropology in New Orleans, LA. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 162: 284.
2017 McKerracher L, P Nepomnaschy, R Altman, M Collard. Interbirth interval is associated with duration of breastfeeding in a sample of indigenous Maya women from Guatemala. 42nd Annual Mtg. of the Human Biology Association in New Orleans, LA [poster presentation]. American Journal of Human Biology, 29: (2).
2016 McKerracher L, M Collard, P Nepomanschy. Immigration affects age at first birth and age at weaning in an indigenous Maya population from rural Guatemala. 3rd Annual Mtg. of the Society for the Study of Human Biology in Aarhus, Denmark [podium presentation]. Annals of Human Biology.
2016 McKerracher L, P Nepomnaschy, R Altman, D Sellen, M Collard. Mode of cultural learning influences duration of exclusive breastfeeding in a sample of indigenous Maya women from Guatemala [poster presentation]. 41st Annual Mtg. of the Human Biology Association in Atlanta, GA. American Journal of Human Biology, 28: 287.
2016 McKerracher L, M Collard, P Nepomnaschy, and M Richards. Intensive breastfeeding associates with depressed δ15N values in a sample of living indigenous Maya women from Guatemala [poster presentation]. 85th Annual Mtg. of the American Association of Physical Anthropology. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 159(S62): 225.
2015 McKerracher L, P Nepomnaschy, R Altman, D Sellen, M Collard. Longer lactation for last-born children: Evidence from modern Maya mother-child pairs [poster presentation]. 5th Annual Mtg. of the European Soc. for the study of Human Evolution in London, UK. Proceedings of the European Society for the study of Human Evolution, 4: 156.
2014 McKerracher L, and M Collard. The impact of diet composition on cross-national variation in prevalence of nausea and vomiting of pregnancy [poster presentation]. 83rd Annual Mtg. of the American Assoc. of Physical Anthropologists in Calgary, AB. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 153(S58): 182.
2014 McKerracher L, M Collard, and P Nepomnaschy. Inter-individual variation in access to allo-care helps to facilitate relatively early weaning in a population of Mayan women [podium presentation]. 39th Annual Mtg. of the Human Biology Assoc. in Calgary, Alberta. American Journal of Human Biology, 26(2): 273.
2013 McKerracher L, J Henrich, and M Collard. Evolutionary ecology of nausea and vomiting of pregnancy on Yasawa Island, Fiji [poster Presentation]. 82nd Annual Mtg. of the American Assoc. of Physical Anthropologists, in Knoxville, TS. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 150(S56): 195.
2012 McKerracher L, D Sellen, P Nepomnaschy, and M Collard. Does the extrinsic risk hypothesis explain cross-cultural variation in age at introduction of transitional foods? [poster presentation]. 81st Annual Mtg. of the American Assoc. of Physical Anthropologists in Portland, OR. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 147(S54): 211.